Darren, who lives on the North Coast of Durban with his family, had experienced ongoing water interruptions, spanning long periods following the disastrous floods which damaged water infrastructure, buildings, roads and pipework. He reached out to SBS Tanks looking for a backup water storage solution that would allow the family to have water for the basics in the event of further water challenges.
“It happened again! I just found out in our neighbourhood Whatsapp group that we (as a neighbourhood) have been without water for 3 days now. I had NO IDEA because our backup is so good! I have this 7000litre tank and it has changed everything!” he said.
SBS are pleased to be able to offer a quick-to-install backup water storage solution that will provide water security to homes, businesses, farms and mines. Do you want to be sure that you have enough water to function even when the infrastructure is challenged? Get hold of us today – email info@sbstanks.co.za or complete the contact form on https://www.thesbsgroup.com/contact-us/
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