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  • Build For Better

    About The SBS Build for Better Initiative

    Through our Build for Better Initiative, we use our profile to share the good in our world, networking with NGO’s and citizens doing good works.

    As the founder of the #SBS® Build for Better initiative, we bring good news stories of hope to light, supporting nation building, community upliftment and transformation. We recognise that there are many people in our nation who Build for Better - courageous citizens who are dedicated to improving lives and uplifting communities.

    We at SBS, hope these stories bring hope, and inspire you to live your own Build for Better story.

    Submit Your Story Of Hope

    Hope is all around us.
    We share stories of hope, often found in the most unexpected places.
    We open doors, giving you an opportunity to partner with our nation builders and work with us to Build for Better for all.
    Do you have a story of hope to share? Do you Build for Better?
    Are you making a difference, working to positively impact your community and those around you?

    We would love to hear from you. Let’s Build for Better together!

    Please provide us with as much detail as possible:
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